Category: Meeting Minutes

July Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting.  The minutes for the July Membership meeting were approved at the August Membership Meeting. 7-10-17...

June Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting.  The minutes for the June Membership meeting were approved at the July Membership Meeting. 6-12-17...

May Endorsements Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting.  The minutes for the May Membership meeting were approved at the June Membership Meeting. 7p...

April Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the April Membership meeting were approved at the May Membership Meeting. 4-24-17...