Please note: On April 10, 2023, the membership of the 37th LD Democrats approved adoption of updated endorsement rules. Those rules are posted below. They differ from the previous rules in two important particulars:
- Eliminating Second Round voting by tallying the First Round down to ONE remaining candidate or ballot measure and eliminating the possibility of the 37th District Democrats making a dual endorsement. The updated process is described in sections 3.3.2 (for candidate voting) and 4.3.4 (for ballot-measure voting).
- Increasing transparency in ranked-choice vote tabulation by adding a new subsection 2.4.8 requiring publication of a tally report within one week of the announcement of results.
Information for Candidates
- Are you a candidate for elected office?
- Does the office you’re seeking represent at least one precinct in the 37th Legislative District?
- Are you a Democrat (judicial candidates excepted)?
If you can answer Yes to all three of these questions then you are eligible to seek our endorsement. There must be at least two members willing to put forward a motion to endorse you as a candidate.
Please fill out the appropriate King County Democrats questionnaire. If you have filled out a questionnaire for the KC Democrats, please email the same questionnaire to
We do the best to inform our members to make their own decisions as to who to endorse. As a result of this policy, we aim to give our members as much information as possible about every candidate by publishing all KCDCC questionnaires that are sent to us. If you do not wish to have your KCDCC questionnaire published, please indicate that when you email us your questionnaire.
Information for Members
Below are our current standing rules for endorsement, please familiarize yourself with these rules. Want to check if you’re eligible to vote? Look for your name on our members list. If you have any questions please contact us at
Standing Rules for Endorsements by the 37th District Democrats
Adopted April 10, 2023
Standing Rules for Endorsements by the 37th District Democrats Proposed April 10, 2023
1. Member Certification:
1.1. PCOs and members who were elected, appointed, or have paid dues at least 25 days prior to Endorsement Meeting are eligible to vote on endorsements.
1.2. The treasurer and members of the Endorsement and Tally Committee will check-in the members eligible to vote.
1.3. Each eligible member will receive one or more of the following: a distinguishable voting card, or a unique online credential.
2. Endorsement and Tally Committee
2.1. An Endorsement and Tally Committee shall be formed.
2.2. A member of the Executive Board appointed by the District Chair shall be the Chair of the Endorsement and Tally Committee, and its members shall be such volunteers from the membership as are appointed by the District Chair; who shall make all reasonable attempts to have a diverse committee.
2.3. The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall meet in advance of any meeting where endorsements are to be considered in order to perform their initial duties.
2.4. The duties of the Endorsement and Tally Committee are:
- 2.4.1. To prepare ballots and voting mechanisms prior to any meeting where endorsements are to be considered;
- 2.4.2. To determine which candidates, if any, who have filed for a given office are ineligible for endorsement by the 37th Legislative District Democrats;
- 2.4.3. To ensure members receive information about all candidates eligible for endorsement by the 37th District Democrats prior to the endorsement meeting;
- 2.4.4. To provide technical assistance to members during the voting period;
- 2.4.5. To tabulate all ballots;
- 2.4.6. To convene a meeting at 8 p.m. the Wednesday following the endorsement meeting at which the results of the vote will be shared with representatives from any campaigns who wish to review the results; and
- 2.4.7. To publish the outcome of the elections from the endorsement meeting by 11 p.m. the Wednesday following the endorsement meeting.
- 2.4.8. To publish the tally of each round of elimination and reallocation of the Racked Choice tabulation in a report within one week of the publishing of the outcome per Rule 2.4.7.
3. Endorsements of Candidates
3.1. Eligibility
- 3.1.1. A candidate is eligible for endorsement only upon a member’s motion to endorse that candidate and another member’s second of that motion.
- 3.1.2. A member’s motion and another member’s second is required for No Endorsement to appear on the ballot.
- 3.1.3. With the exception of judicial candidates, all candidates moved and seconded by members shall be eligible provided they declare in writing that they are a Democrat. An option is to have a completed KCDCC Candidate Questionnaire on file with the KCDCC declaring themselves to be Democrats.
- 3.1.4. The Chair shall not close the floor to motions in a given race until they have called for motions a minimum of three (3) times without a response from any member.
- 3.1.5. If, in a given race, only one motion for a candidate is made per Section 3.1 then the Chair shall call for an immediate vote, provided no member objects by voice. The vote shall be by show of hands. If, in the Chair’s opinion, the motion receives 60% support then the candidate receives the endorsement of the 37th District Democrats.
3.2. Statements by Candidates and Members
- 3.2.1. Each candidate (or representative) seeking the endorsement of the 37th District Democrats will be given one minute to make a statement in favor of the motion to endorse his or her candidacy.
- 3.2.2. Questions for candidates are not in order
- 3.2.3. Voting members may make a 30-second statement in favor of a motion to endorse a candidate, with no more than two members speaking for each candidate. Statements by members shall alternate in the order motions were made.
- 3.2.4. The Executive Committee may by special rule adjust the time allotted for debate on a specific candidate.
3.3. Voting on Candidates
- 3.3.1. Ballots shall be made available in electronic format and members will have until 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday following the endorsement meeting to submit the electronic ballot, except:
- A Member may request a printed ballot be provided to them at an in-person meeting, provided that the member must turn in the ballot before leaving the meeting;
- The Endorsements and Tally Committee shall establish a mechanism for Members to receive technical support relating to accessing and submitting their electronic ballot;
- For all races in which more than one candidate has been moved for endorsement, ballots will allow members to rank order their preference for candidates, and no endorsement, if no endorsement has been moved; and
- Members who, because of a disability, need a special accommodation to vote are advised to make the request to the District Chair prior to the endorsement meeting.
- 3.3.2. Ballots and Tally:
- Ballots shall allow members to rank the moved candidates or No Endorsement, if moved, in their order of preference on their ballots.
- Members are not required to rank all choices on the ballot. The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall tabulate the ballots as follows:
- The Endorsement Tally Committee shall count the number of first-choice votes for each candidate and for No Endorsement if moved. In the event that one candidate or No Endorsement receives 60% of the first-choice votes, that candidate or No Endorsement shall be declared the endorsed candidate for the 37th District Democrats.
- In the event no candidate receives 60% of the first-choice votes, the Endorsement and Tally Committee will determine which candidate or candidates received the smallest number of first-choice votes. That candidate or those candidates shall be eliminated. All second-choice votes of those members whose first-choice candidate is eliminated will be reallocated among the remaining choices. If a member’s second choice was eliminated, then the Endorsement and Tally Committee will progress through the Member’s choices until they reach an eligible choice or the ballot is exhausted. If a member only made a first-choice selection and their choice was eliminated their ballot is exhausted.
- The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall add the number of reallocated votes for each remaining choice, to the totals received after the first count. After the reallocation, if one candidate or No Endorsement receives 60% of the votes, that candidate or No Endorsement shall be declared the endorsed candidate for the 37th District Democrats.
- Additional rounds of candidate elimination and reallocation of votes will occur until either a candidate or No Endorsement receives 60% of the vote, or until only one choice remains, whichever occurs first.
- If, after all rounds of candidate elimination and reallocation of votes, no candidate and No Endorsement fail to receive 60% of the vote, then the 37th District Democrats shall not endorse a candidate for that office and will list our position as “No Consensus Achieved” on any materials. Any races where the result in a Primary Election Endorsement is “No Consensus Achieved” that race will be eligible for reconsideration during the subsequent General Election Endorsement Meeting. By 11 p.m. of the Wednesday following the endorsement meeting, the Endorsement and Tally Committee shall post and announce the results and indicate which, if any, candidate received 60% of the ballots cast, and that candidate shall receive the endorsement of the 37th District Democrats.
3.4. Suspension of Rules
- 3.4.1. Motions to suspend these rules in an effort to put forth a motion to endorse a candidate or combination of candidates not included in the Second Round of voting shall be out of order.
4. Endorsements of Ballot Measures
4.1. Eligibility
- 4.1.1. The Chair shall call, in sequence, for a motion in favor of the ballot measure, a motion opposing the ballot measure, and a motion for “No Position” of a ballot measure.
- 4.1.2. If only one motion on a ballot measure is made per Section 4.1 then the Chair shall call for an immediate vote, provided no member objects by voice. The vote shall be by show of hands. If, in the Chair’s opinion, the motion receives 60% support then the moved position receives the endorsement of the 37th District Democrats.
4.2. Statements by Representatives and Members
- 4.2.1. Each representative of a moved position on a ballot measure seeking the endorsement of the 37th District Democrats will be given one minute to make a statement in favor of the motion to endorse their position on the ballot measure.
- 4.2.2. Questions for representatives are not in order
- 4.2.3. Members may make a 30-second statement in favor of the ballot measure, opposing the ballot measure, or for “No Position” of the ballot measure, with no more than three members speaking in turn (F/A/NP/F/A/NP/F/A/NP), provided a motion for that position on the ballot measure was made.
- 4.2.4. The Endorsement and Tally Committee may by special rule adjust the time allotted for debate on a specific ballot measure.
4.3. Voting on Ballot Measures
- 4.3.1. Voting shall not commence until all motions and statements of representatives and members are complete.
- 4.3.2. All ballot measures shall have the title of the measure and a brief explanation of the measure listed in print if it is feasible to do so.
- 4.3.3. Ballots shall be made available in electronic format and members will have until 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday following the endorsement meeting to submit the electronic ballot, except:.
- A Member may request a printed ballot be provided to them at an in-person meeting, provided that the member must turn in the ballot before leaving the meeting.
- The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall establish a mechanism for Members to get technical support relating to accessing and submitting their electronic ballot.
- Members who, because of a disability, need a special accommodation to vote are advised to make the request to the chair prior to the endorsement meeting.
- 4.3.4. Ballots and Tally:
- Ballots shall allow members to rank their preference between the Yes position, if moved, the No position if moved, and the No Endorsement position if moved, in their order of preference on the ballots.
- Members are not required to rank all choices on the ballot.
- The Endorsement and Tally committee shall tabulate the ballots as follows:
- The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall count the number of first-choice votes for each position moved. In the event one position receives 60% of the first-choice votes, that position shall be declared the endorsed position for the 37th District Democrats.
- In the event none of the moved positions receives 60% of the first-choice votes, the Endorsement and Tally Committee will determine which position received the fewest number of first-choice votes. That position shall be eliminated. All second-choice votes of those members whose first-choice votes was eliminated will be reallocated among the remaining positions. If a member’s second-choice was eliminated, then the Endorsement and Tally Committee will progress through the member’s choices until they reach an eligible choice or the ballot is exhausted. If a member only made a first-choice selection and their choice was eliminated, their ballot is exhausted.
- The Endorsement and Tally Committee shall add the number of reallocated votes for each remaining choice to the totals received after the first count. After the reallocation, if one position receives 60% of the votes, that position shall be declared the endorsed position for the 37th District Democrats.
- Additional rounds of position elimination and reallocation of votes shall occur until either a position receives 60% of the votes or only one position remains, whichever occurs first.
- If after all the rounds of position elimination and reallocation, no position receives 60% of the votes of the members, then the 37th District Democrats will not endorse a position on the ballot measure and will list our position as “no consensus achieved” on any materials.
4.4. Suspension of Rules
- 4.4.1. Motions to suspend these rules in an effort to put forth a motion not made pursuant to Section 4.1 shall be out of order.