New Board Members Elected

On Monday evening, January 13, the 37th Legislative District Democrats elected the following new board members. Congratulations to all!

37th LD Democrats Executive Board
Elected Officers 2025-2026

Mary Scanlon

First Vice-Chair 
Nimco Bulale

Washington State Party Committee Members
Bob Rosenberger
Mary Williams

King County Central Committee Member
Jamie Fackler
(second position – vacant)

King County Central Committee Member Alternates
Tahiyat Rahman
Alouise Urness

Second Vice-Chair, Events and Fundraising

Third Vice-Chair, Precinct Committee Officers
Karla Esquivel

Fourth Vice-Chair, Communications
Aram Falsafi

Ingrid Clair

37th LD Democrats Policing Forum

At our membership meeting on February 13, 2023, the 37th Legislative District Democrats were privileged to host a high-profile panel discussion regarding policing in our community.

We were joined by special guests Rev. Harriett Walden, social justice activist and co-founder of Mothers for Police Accountability; James Bible, criminal defense attorney and former president of the King County NAACP; and Victoria Beach, Chair of the African American Community Advisory Council for the Seattle Police Department. Watch here.