Category: Meeting Minutes

June 2018 Endorsements Meeting Minutes

These meeting minutes have not been approved by the membership. 7:01 Chair gaveled meeting to order. 7:06 Agenda approved by unanimous acclamation. 7:06 Chair recognized passing of DeCharlene Williams and Don Alexander. Both were...

April 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

These meeting minutes have not yet been approved by the general membership. They will be voted on and approved at the next membership meeting. Meeting Minutes, 37th LD Meeting April 9th, 2018 Recorded by...

March 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

3-12-18 Meeting Minutes—Prepared by Stephen Reed, Secretary 7p Meeting called to order 7:03 Chair opening remarks. Called attention to meeting norms and ground rules at top of agenda. Last half hour of agenda will...

February 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes of February 12 membership meeting Chair Alec Stephens called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.  A motion was entertained to approve the minutes of the January meeting.  Moved and seconded to approve...

January 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

January 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the January Membership meeting were approved at the February Membership Meeting. Meeting...

November 2017 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the November Membership meeting were approved at the January Membership Meeting. (December...

October 2017 Membership Meeting Minutes

October 2017 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the October Membership meeting were approved at the November Membership Meeting. 2017-10-09...

September 2017 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the September Membership meeting were approved at the October Membership Meeting.  ...

August Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes are only posted after the Executive Board has voted to approve the minutes at the following Membership Meeting. The minutes for the August Membership meeting were approved at the September Membership Meeting. Minutes...