March 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

3-12-18 Meeting Minutes—Prepared by Stephen Reed, Secretary

7p Meeting called to order

7:03 Chair opening remarks. Called attention to meeting norms and ground rules at top of agenda. Last half hour of agenda will be devoted to topic of resolution regarding KCDCC Chair.

7:08 Agenda adopted by unanimous acclaim.

7:09 February minutes approved. Chair thanked fmr. State Senator Adam Kline for filling in a Secretary during Stephen Reed’s absence.

7:10 Chair introduced U.S. Representative Adam Smith. Rep. Smith commented on need to build and nurture a Democratic base that will enact progressive legislation.

7:14 U.S. Rep Smith took questions from the audience regarding: turnout, 2020, and Russian interference in elections.

7:23 Treasurer’s Report and annual budget. February brought in $712. All outstanding liabilities have been paid off. Month-end Cash-on-hand is $3,600.67. $1,770 remain in outstanding pledges from sponsors.

Treasurer explained the proposed annual budget. Adoption of the budget was moved and seconded. Passed with unanimous acclaim.

7:29 Chair recognized State Senator Rebecca Saldana and State Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos. Chair gave notice that PCOs are elected this year. Filing begins on Monday, May 14 at 9am and ends Friday, May 18 at 4pm. Chair gave a brief explanation of PCO filings and how elected PCOs differ from appointed and acting PCOs.

7:37 Chair opened discussion of LD Caucus on Sunday. March 25 at Rainier Beach Community Center County Convention at 1pm. Chair also asked district to participate in student protest regarding school shootings on Saturday, March 24th at 10am at Cal Anderson Park.

7:39 Chair recognized March birthdays at the meeting.

7:40 Sarah Brady, new campaign manager for Pramila Jayapal. Updates from Congress regarding Omnibus Continuing Resolution. Anticipating attacks on the Dodd-Frank Financial Reforms. Encouraging DACA recipients to renew their DACA status. Rep. Jayapal will be back this weekend, a conversation on March for Our Lives with the community.

7:44 Moved and seconded to donate $100 to March for Our Lives. Passed with unanimous acclaim.

7:45 Chair asked for volunteers for upcoming LD Caucus meetings. Juan Ponce asked for help with credentialing at the Caucus, volunteers should reach out to him or contact Alec.

7:46 John Stafford discussed platform activities at the Caucus meeting. Current platform is available on the website. Contact or for more information regarding drafting the new platform. There will also be a discussion at The Station Coffee House on Saturday at 5pm in Beacon Hill.

7:52 Endorsements will occur shortly after May 18. Chair recognized Justice Steven Gonzalez who is running for re-election this year.

7:59 Chair introduced King County Superior Court Judge Michael Diaz. Judge Diaz is running to retain his seat.

8:05 King County Superior Court David Keenan addressed the crowd. Not running for re-election this term, but was elected in 2017. Offered his support for Judge Diaz and Judge Gonzalez.

8:08 King County District Court Judge Lisa Paggliotti addressed the crowd. Up for election to retain her seat.

8:11 King County Municipal Court Judge Adam Eisenberg addressed the body. Up for election to retain his seat.

8:14 Other judicial candidates who spoke at last month’s meeting were introduced.

8:15 Chair recognized Heyward Evans who spoke of the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination. April 4th at 5pm at Mt. Zion Baptist Church there will be a celebration of his life.

8:16 Chair announced that another permanent member has been added to the Executive Committee, Bob Rosenburger. Bob addressed body as Co-Chair of Legislative Action Committee for King County Democrats. This Sunday from 2p-4p at Kent Library the LAC will meet.

8:19 Melissa Taylor called for signatures for a petition calling on King County Chair Bailey Stober to resign.

8:20 Marvin Rosete asked for support in his bid to fill the 2nd Vice Chair opening on King County Democrats Executive Board.

8:21 Rachael Ludwick asked for canvassing volunteers in the 8th CD every Saturday and Sunday through Election Day.

8:22 Kendall Jennings asked for signatures for I-1600 to create a public health care trust for Washington state.

8:23 Jackie Long with All In For Washington addressed body to put a comprehensive initiative on the ballot in 2020. March 29 from 5:30-7:30 at South Side Commons in Columbia City there will be an organizing meeting.

8:24 Chair recognized the passage in the legislature of I-940.

8:30 Chair recognized leaving Black History Month and starting Women’s History Month.

8:31 Chair opened discussion for resolution calling for the removal of Bailey Stober as Chair of King County Central Democratic Committee for misconduct outlined in the resolution.

8:44 Rachael Ludwick gave further background information on the resolution.

8:48 Vice Chair Chase Cross opened conversation for adoption of resolution.

8:54 Motion to adopt was moved and seconded.

8:55 Motion was made and seconded to table the resolution. Chair counted 20 for. 23 against. Motion to table fails.

8:56 Chair asked Gwen Wrench to take Chair while Alec spoke against the resolution.

8:59 Shasti Conrad rose to speak for the resolution.

9:02 Tandy Williams spoke against the resolution.

9:04 Nancy Podschwitz, Treasurer of King County Democrats spoke in favor of the resolution.

9:08 Lem Howell spoke against the resolution.

9:10 Tanya spoke in favor of the resolution.

9:12 Jami Smith spoke against the resolution.

9:15 Rachael Ludwick spoke in favor of the resolution.

9:16 Bob Rosenburger spoke against the resolution.

9:20 Melissa Taylor spoke for the resolution because it was determined the person moving the resolution did not know they were also considered to be giving a speech in favor.

9:22 Jackie consulted the 30th District who is for the process as described.

9:23 Voting commences. 16 for. 27 against. The resolution fails.

9:25 Motion to adjourn moved and seconded. Passes.

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