February 2018 Membership Meeting Minutes

Minutes of February 12 membership meeting

Chair Alec Stephens called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.  A motion was entertained to approve the minutes of the January meeting.  Moved and seconded to approve without change. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Evan gave a summary of receipts and expenditures, including an expense of $800 for dues to the Washington Democrats.  We are still expecting pledges totaling $770 from our elected officials.

Budget:  The Chair stated that this year’s proposed Budget is before the Executive Board and is expected to be ready for the March meeting.

Caucus: The Legislative District Caucus will be held on a Sunday, by request and approval the State Chair, and the date and place are set: March 25, at the Rainier Beach Community Center.  The purpose of the Caucus is to elect delegates and propose platform positions for the State Convention, and if time allows, to act on resolutions for the Convention. The Chair explained the purposes, workload, and meeting times of the Platform, Credentials, and Rules Committees.

PCO’s:  In 2018, we will elect our PCO’s.  The Chair noted that filing is required, just as for elected officials.  Now is the time to consider whether you want to file to become or continue as a PCO.

Elections of Fourth Vice Chair and of Male Alternate Representative to KCDCC: Given the vacancy created by the resignation of Michael Wolfe as Male Alternative representative to the KCDCC, an election is in order.  The position of Fourth Vice Chair is also open. The Chair entertained nominations.

Michael Connelly nominated himself for Fourth Vice Chair.  The Chair called for any additional nominations; none were heard.  Michael was elected by unanimous consent of the body.

The Chair called for nominations to the position of Male Alternate Representative to the KCDCC.  Rachel Ludwick nominated Derrick Richards. The Chair called for any additional nominations; none were heard.  Derrick was elected by unanimous consent of the body.

Elections of Credentials, Rules, and Platform Committee Members: For the Credentials Committee, Tom Schmidt nominated himself.  The Chair called for any additional nominations; none were heard.  Bob Rosenberger moved that the election be made unanimous; the motion passed.

For the Rules Committee, the Chair asked leave to nominate himself.  The Chair called for any additional nominations; none were heard. Bob Rosenberger moved that the election be made unanimous; the motion passed.

For the Platform Committee, Jennifer Roach nominated herself.  The Chair called for any additional nominations; none were heard.  Bob Rosenberger moved that the election be made unanimous; the motion passed.

Resolutions:  The following three Resolutions were brought to the body with Do Pass recommendations from the Executive Board:

  1. Opposition to Tacoma LNG Facility.  John Stafford read the Resolution.  Bob Rosenberger moved to strike one of the Whereas clauses, which referred to the fact that some of the investors are foreign-born, stating in argument that there is enough anti-foreign sentiment in public discourse already, and further that the core purpose of the Resolution would not be changed by this deletion.  Numerous speakers were hear pro and con. One speaker pointed out that foreign status is in fact relevant: while a local investor might possibly have some concern for local environmental considerations, a foreign investor would presumably have little or none, but would see this as a profit-making investment only. A vote was held on Bob’s amendment: 17 Yes, 18 No.  The Chair ruled that the amending motion failed. A vote was held on the Resolution, which passed unanimously.
  2. Greenhouse Gas Reductions; a Resolution to the Legislature.  John Stafford read the Resolution, and responded to questions, then moved it be passed.  A vote was held: Passed with all but two votes.
  3. Ban on Sale of New Internal Combustion Engines in State of Washington.  John read the Resolution and moved its passage.  Various comments were made. The Resolution calls for 100% electric vehicles on the state’s roads by 2040; comments variously supported or doubted the realism of this goal; further comments involved the effect of such a ban on low-income persons who tend to own and drive older (i.e., non-compliant) vehicles.  A vote was held: The Resolution passed with all but four votes.

Candidates for Judicial Office:  The Chair called upon the following incumbents and candidates for Superior Court, King County District Court, and Seattle Municipal Court in this year’s election:

Karen Donahue, Superior Court

Greg Hirakawa, District Court, Seattle

Andrea Chinn, Municipal Court

Maureen McKee, District Court, Renton

Jason Poyntras, District Court, Seattle

Rhonda Laumann, District Court, South King County

Each of the candidates spoke, requesting the body’s eventual endorsement.

Legislative report: John Stafford gave a report on the major bills and budget items currently in play in Olympia, based on his recent conversation with Rep. Santos.  He touched upon McCleary funding, the Governor’s proposal of a carbon tax, Sen. Saldana’s Voting Rights Act, and the bill to repeal I-200. Rep. Santos was reported as optimistic that the Voting Rights Act, which passed the Senate, would also pass the House.  However, she was reported as very doubtful that the repeal of I-200 would pass.

Also, on the subject of following legislation, the Chair called on Bob Rosenberger and Rachel Ludwick to talk briefly about their work following legislation of interest to local residents.

Announcements; Good of the Order:  Monday is King County Democrats Lobby Day; the sign-up process is on the KC Dems’ website.

A representative from the organizing committee opposing the New Seasons Market addressed the body, gave an update on their efforts and thanked the 37th District Democrats for joining in opposition.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 pm.

Thanks to former 37th Sen. Adam Kline for taking the minutes in the absence of the Secretary.


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