37th LD Democrats Membership Meeting Agenda

Monday, March 10, 2025 • 7:00pm, on Zoom

Call to Order
Land Acknowledgment
We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the Duwamish, the first people of Seattle, past and present. We honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.

Adoption of February 2025 Meeting Minutes

PCO Appointment – Steve Johnson SEA 37-1890

Seattle City Councilmember Mark Solomon

King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci, candidate for King County Executive

Port of Seattle Commissioner Ryan Calkins for re-election (Position 1)

Josh Sanders, Political Director for Congressman Adam Smith

Note: The membership will be considering two possible early candidate endorsements during this meeting. Here are our full endorsement rules. Special provisions governing early endorsements are covered in Article XI, Section 8 of our bylaws. Voting will be by raised-hand vote during the meeting, with the threshold for early endorsements being an 80% majority. The exception would be in the event there is additionally a motion for “No Endorsement,” in which case a ballot would be sent to all eligible voters after the meeting. PCOs and members who were elected, appointed, or have paid dues at least 25 days prior to the meeting (in this case, by 2/13) are eligible to vote on endorsements. Questions regarding membership may be addressed to [email protected].

Alexis Mercedes Rinck for Seattle City Council Position 8
Requesting consideration for early endorsement
Note: The executive board has approved this motion going before the membership.

Rory O’Sullivan for Seattle City Attorney
Requesting consideration for early endorsement
Note: The executive board has approved this motion going before the membership.

Consideration of a resolution:
Resolution on Reforming Planning & Delivery of Transportation Projects in WA
Trevor Reed, Robert Foxcurran, Ben Mitchell
Note: Commentary by the presenter(s) will of necessity be relatively brief. In order to be well informed please plan to do your own research before the meeting. The executive board has considered this resolution, however no recommendation has been made. Voting will be by raised-hand vote during the meeting, with the threshold for approval being a majority of those present and voting. All members and PCOs and members in attendance may vote on resolutions.

State Party Structure: A Primer – Bob Rosenberger

KCD Committee report

Proposed 2025 budget – Ingrid Clair, Mary Scanlon

Good of the Order
