Our Members

Our members are given the right to vote on issues that affect the organization. You can be a voting member by paying for a membership or by becoming an elected or appointed precinct committee officer (PCO). Although elected and appointed PCOs are given voting rights without having to pay for a membership, we encourage all PCOs to still pay the amount they feel most comfortable with. Our dues help pay for our expenses. None of this would be possible without your help!

37th Legislative District Membership List
This list is current as of 1/13/25 and includes both paid members and PCOs. If you have questions about the status of your paid membership please contact treasurer Ingrid Clair at [email protected]. We also have posted a separate page listing PCOs only.

Yasser Abomadina

Mike Acord

Vania Adasme

Amun Ahmed

Dina Alhadeff

Seraphie Allen

Kevin Allen

Christine Anderson

Anne Anderson

Iris Antman

Jason Arends

Mark Barbieri

Carrie Barnes

Nathaniel Barnes

Vern Barnhill

Ellen Barnhill

Jim Bernthal

Keelyn Bessmer

Alizeh Bhojani

Timothy Billing

June BlueSpruce

Logan Bowers

Susan (Beth) Brunton

Nimco Bulale

Mohamed Bulale

Liza Burell-Mack

Mariya Burrows

Wendy Call

Victoria Carson

John Cary

Susan Cary

Suresh Chanmugam

Michael Charles

Christina Chavez

Alena  Ciecko

Ingrid Clair

Brenton Clark

Pat Cleary

Harriett Cody

Aimee Collins

Michael Connolly

Nancy Conyers

Annie Cotton

S Cottrell

Nia Cottrell

Christena Coutsoubos

Joesph Cronin

Samuel Crosby

Sondra Cuban

Joanna Cullen

Anthony D’Amico

Ben Dalgetty

Kristen Dang

Deborah Daoust

Jan Denali

Mary Pat DiLeva

Mary Dimond

Adonis Ducksworth

Ellen Eades

Kenneth Eakes

Pamela Eakes

Takayo Ederer

Alison Eisinger

Kayla Elladae

Jessie Elliott

Abraham Epton

Alexander Erickson

Karla Esquivel

Eric Evans

James Fackler

Brenda Fackler

Brian Faker

Aram Falsafi

Erin Fanning

Tareq Fayyad

Vallerie Fisher

Therese Flynn

Bobby Forch

Idabelle Fosse

Dionne Foster

Jim Fox

Robert Foxcurran

Josh Friedmann

Meghan Gallery

Brandon Gim

Nancy Glaser

Devin Glaser

Matthew Gleason

Leigh Ann Glimer

John Godfrey

James Goodman

Rhonda Gossett

Larry Gossett

Chris Gregorich

Alice Gregory

Thaddaeus Gregory

Clarence Gunn

Carl Haglund

Amy Hagopian

Ray Hall

Adam Hall

Kirk Hanson

Harrietta Hanson

Madyson Harlan

Bruce Harrell

Joanne Harrell

Philip Harrison

Rick Harwood

Toshiko Hasegawa

Rodney Hearne

Brandon Hersey

Natalie Hester

Beth  Hintz

Yolanda Ho

Monika Hoang

Robert (Tommy) Hofland

Ruby Holland

Cathy Homan

Ruth Hooper

Mindy Hoover

Lem Howell

Theresa Huey

Dana Hufford

Herman H. Huggins, Jr

Jim Hutchins

Christine Hynes

Steven Johnson

Britton Jones

Hala Karaki

Mary Adelina Keefe

Adam Kennedy

Raman Khana

David Kim

Adam Kline

Zach Knox

Japhet Koteen

Ryan Krumbholz

Rebekka Kunder

Signe Lalish

Stephanie Landdeck

Betty Lau

Jeanne Legault

Rae Levine

Rhonda Lewis

Jill Lightner

Edward Lin

Connor Linse

Roger Lippman

Brian Livingston

Erica Logan

Justin Logan

Isaac Long

Jay Long

Allegra Long

David Loud

Terri Lovins

Dorothy Jo Lower

Rachael Ludwig

Sharon Maeda

Gabe Magic

Angela Magic

Daniel Malone

Alma-Jean Marion

Tom Marshall

David Martin

Lois Martin

Bridgette Maryman

Jennifer Matter

Paula McArdle

David McClelland

Vhonda McElroy

David McGraw

Lyn McKay

Susan McLaughlin

Carla McLean

Meredith Means

Bailey Medilo

Trevor Menagh

Oliver Miska

Benjamin Mitchell

Mariah Mitchell

Daniel Moore

Kelly Plescow Moore

Garrett Plescow Moore

Tammy Morales

Ken Mostow

Dane Nakagawa

Patricia Naumann

Amie Newman

Christopher Nutt

Rory O’Sullivan

Max Okamoto

Linda Oliver

Ramlah Ringold Olt

Sophia Orlando

Brendan Patrick

Dwight Pelz

Darryl Perry

Saul Petersky

Patricia Phillips

Jonathon Pintar

Nick Pleasants

Sydney Provence

Tahiyat Rahman

Adam Rakunas

Mike Ramey

Dianne Ramsey

Laura Raymond

Gwen Rench

Bob Rench

Patti Revoyr

Elizabeth Richards

Megan Riel-Mehan

Alexis Rinck

David Ritt

Lucinda Robbins

Bob Rosenberger

Nancy Rotecki

Kate Rubin

Karen Russell

Harvey Sadis

Chio Saeteurn

Sen. Rebecca Saldaña

Chukundi Salisbury

Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos

Nancy Sapiro

Joel Savishinsky

Mary Scanlon

Ethan Morgan Schaffer

Jay Schwartz

Lian Sell

Joshua Shanks

Na’eem Shareef

Ethan Sharrigan

Susan Sherbina

Kathryn Shields

Jennifer Slemp

Evan Smith

Emijah Smith

Jim Snell

Diane Snell

Susan Snyder

Mark Solomon

Alec Stephens

Helena Stephens

Dominique Stephens

Robert Stephens

Robert Stern

Charon Steward-Silvano

Akilah Stewart

Greg Stinson

Poppy Storm

Kathleen Stout

Rep. Chipalo Street

Andi Swanner

Joe Swinford

Yuan Tao

Patrick Taylor

Josh Teicher

Harry Teicher

Hugo Torres

Randall Trathen

Nancy Truitt Pierce

Alouise Urness

Janice Van Cleve

Laura Van Tosh

Chris Vondrasek

Nick Wagner

Rev. Harriett Walden

Camille Walton

Raleigh Watts

Alexander Webster

Kathie Weibel

Stephen Wells

Shaunie Wheeler

Keela Williams

Mary Dell Williams

Tandy Williams

Jesse Wineberry

Inye Wokoma

Tanya Woo

Nathan Woo

Fran Wood

Larry Wyatt

Stuart Yarfitz

Bob Zappone

Marietta Zintak